Fan Blogs

March 24, 2011 by LARockerChick 
RED! I "RED" It!!!

This kind of book is not my genre, as a rule. I pre-ordered it on my Nookie! Finished it this morning. Absolutely LOVED it. And who knew what a groovy dude Sammy really is as a person. Hot, for sure. Great smile and energy too - but now we know how amazing he is a human! Thank you for sharing.

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March 24, 2011 by LadyRed51 
The Book

I just finsihed the book. I have to say it was a pretty good book. It kind of left me wanting more. It's like he ran out of time and still left somethings out.

I found the book easy to read and so much more personal then most books you read. It was like Sammy was right their talking to you and telling you the story himself. Not so scripted like most books. Must of been good because I read it in two days. lol

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March 23, 2011 by tomwilhelm 
Give him a break

Everybody's bagging on Sammy for his book signing. Come on guys you gotta remember to the book stores it's all about the book sales. Most book signings limit the book signer so that he's in a time crunch, can only sign certain things. Sammy still took the time to take pictures with kids, even though he probably wasn't supposed to. He cares enough to be there so don't bag on him because he had to follow the book stores rules.

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March 23, 2011 by dawnd039 
book signing in roseville, ca.

for the people who live in Nevada who were going to the book signing event but may not be able to make it cause of the "storm", will Sammy be doing a book signing in Tahoe b4 the show?

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March 23, 2011 by DragonTBear 
Howdy! ... my thoughts of the book.

First off ... I'm a different kind of fan.

I'm a home-body. I don't drink alcohol. I've never done ANY drugs EVER. (ya .. many might call me a computer geek).

I'm 46 but I've only been to 5 actual concerts in my whole life. Two of them to see Sammy. But I buy (and listen) to TONS of music.

I 1st heard Sammy on the radio (KZAP) in 1982. It was "Can't Get Loose" (from Standing Hampton). STILL my favorite song. I bought that album, fell in love with it, bought every other earlier album, fell in love with them. .. and bought everything since.

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