Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy Camp Winner Announced!

February 25, 2013

Congratulations to Reggie Marsh, the winner of the Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy Camp Contest! His wife entered him into the contest with the great submission seen below. Reggie was completely surprised and is lookin' forward to rockin' with the Red Rocker himself!

Sammy wants to thank everyone for all of their great stories - Redheads are the best fans in the world!!!

Here was the winning entry:

I am submitting this on behalf of my husband, Richard “Reggie” Marsh and I am thrilled for the opportunity to do something for one of the best men I’ve ever known, who also happens to be my husband, father of my children and a huge Sammy Hagar fan. Reggie works extremely hard every day (he’s a construction framer) and everything he does is 100% for his family. I almost cried when I saw the email this morning; a chance to give back to someone who gives everything he has and then some to everyone else and never does anything just for himself. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be able attend Rock N Roll Fantasy Camp with Sammy Hagar!!

Reggie has always been a rocker. When we met in the early 90’s, he was doing the band thing; he sings, plays guitar and bass. He also messes around with his keyboard…really he does anything and everything he can when it comes to music; he is very talented and knowledgeable about music. Reggie wanted to spend his life playing music, and he does, just not in the capacity he had once hoped for. Life happens…our baby was on the way and we got married. Reggie stepped up and did what he needed to do to support his family, which, sadly, put his music on the back burner.

Reg works in construction and has always provided very well for his family. He never complains that his dreams got pushed aside; being a husband and father is his job now and he does it, no complaints. He does have his man cave, and every day when he gets home from work, he comes in and greets the family and then heads off to the “cave” where he rocks out…singing and strumming along with the music. Times are not great for us now, financially (like a lot of other Americans), but a few years back when times were better we were fortunate enough to be able to do the “On Stage Fanatics” thing a couple of times. We have never been rich, but when we were able to, we would spend what we had on the Sammy Hagar experiences and never once regretted doing it. We always appreciated that Sammy kept the price of his fan experiences very low compared to what other bands charge…especially when he definitely could’ve charged more and still sold out; it really shows how much he appreciates his fans. Not only that, but I don’t think there’s any such thing as a “bad” Sammy show, it’s pretty obvious that he puts everything he has into all his shows, which we really appreciate and one of the many reasons we love him so much! The pictures here are of a show we got front row tickets to in Bakersfield. That was definitely the best time we’ve ever had, we won’t ever forget it! In one of the pics, Sammy is leaning down—what he’s doing is holding the mic and Reggie is singing “Running with the Devil!” He will never, EVER forget that moment! Sammy also switched sunglasses with me (the red ones in the pic) and gave me his Cabo Wabo glasses. Those are the sunglasses Reggie still wears to this day (more than six years later).

I am turning this into an essay, but I really want to make sure I convey how big of a Sammy Hagar fan Reggie is, how much he LOVES playing music, and what an amazing experience this would be for him; someone who gives everything for everyone else. This would be the best thing to ever happen to him and a memory he will keep FOREVER. Without making this a book, I hope I have done a good job of explaining why Reggie would be the ideal person for Rock N Roll Fantasy Camp. If he’s not chosen, it won’t be because he doesn’t deserve it, but because I haven’t done a good enough job of explaining WHY he does. I hope that doesn’t happen. Since a picture is worth 1000 words, I’m attaching a couple of them. Pictures of the souvenirs from all the Sammy shows, memorabilia and things he puts in a place of honor in his “man cave,” a place where his dreams are still alive. Thank you again for this opportunity! Reggie’s contact info is below…I hope you use it!!


 17 Redhead Comments

Michele_M's picture

Thanks again,everyone! This was the best experience of our lives! Reggie soaked up every single second of camp and getting to perform Zep's Rock 'N Roll on stage with Sammy was a dream come true! I can't say thank you enough to Sammy and everyone involved in picking Reggie to go to Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp. He lived every moment of that week to it's fullest and we came away from it closer as a family. Sammy and his crew are amazing and Redheads are the best people in the world!! I'm so proud of Reggie--I might be biased, but I think he rocked it the F--- out! His band was amazing: Paul Fortier, Brian Thompson, Bernt Bodal and of course DAVID LAUSER! Check it out...Reggie is singing with Sammy to Zep's Rock N Roll. :)

Bones's picture
Bones's picture

I was honored to be there and meet Reggie and his wife. To live that moment with them. Could not have happened to nicer people.
-Tim T.

tedstigers's picture


tedstigers's picture

Awesome!! I hope you have a blast Mr. Reggie. Any idea what songs you'll get to jam to with Sammy?

toms008's picture

Very well said. Almost brought me to tears. Will be a great time. I have four autographed banners from Sammy: KC, StL, Nashville and Tulsa. Always a great time! Enjoy

cindybearGVMERED's picture

Wonderful things happen to wonderful people!!
Enjoy your once in a life time experience and what
a cool wife you have to share your story. :)

Handsup70's picture

Congrats Reggie!

Keep on rockin and "keep the dream alive" ;o)

tinman_34's picture

awsome web sight i just joined and seems i missed out on all the fun . congrats when you get done with the camp let us know how it whent.

Habs5150's picture

Congrats Reggie!! Have a ball at the camp, sounds like you will soak up every minute of it. Your wife is one amazing person too, what a fantastic story.

ReggieMarsh's picture

Thanks, everyone! Redhead fans really are the best! I am still in a bit of a daze...this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me! I've got basically a week before I leave for Vegas and I can't wait! I will post pics when I get back...I am really grateful for this and am going to live it up to the max! I really look forward to thanking Sammy in person!

rrockercabogirl's picture

Congrats Reggie! You deserve this! Enjoy! Life is Good...Live it Up!

sherryb038's picture

Congratulations Reggie! I too am fortunate enough to be going to Vegas for this as well.... Can't wait to meet you and put a face with this story :) See you in Vegas!

OneLMichele's picture

Congratulations Reggie!!!

Guitar Slinger's picture

Congrats Dude! Good on ya mate. keep Rockin!

Tomigriffin's picture

Weeeee! An absolute dream come true!

robbt027's picture

Congrats to Reggie Marsh for being the person that he is and to his wife as well for writing such a great entry to surprise her husband that she loves with something totally special and unique. Have fun Reggie, you definitely deserve it!!!!!