Past Event

Jan 31 2004
Houston, Texas


Sammy Hagar and The Wabos.


Show 7:00PM.

Thanks to George Melissinos for the set list!



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 1  Redhead Comment

admin's picture


I had the pleasure of going to see Sammy on Saturday night at the Super Bash. The concert was awesome. The place was packed, which is never suprising with Sammy! It was a great suprise to see Ted Nugent and Chad Smith join the celebration as well as Toby Keith. As always Sammy was so friendly and put on the best show out performing any show that he'd done in Houston before. The last song was a "redo" of the VH song 'Right Now' it was unbelieveable!

Sammy's band sounds a lot heavier now with out the keyboard player (although I do miss Jesse's sound).

Hope everyone enjoyed the party!

-Charla Hearn


What a crazy night!
First things first.
No Van Halen news from the SUPERBASH. I know most of you have given up on the idea, but for the sake of those hanging on to straws, I will take care of that news first.
; )
Now, for the fun.
Sammy was late getting to the show. He was at the CMT event first. The venues were only about 10 blocks away from each other but the traffic between the two tied Sammy and his crew up from getting to the Bash. Stuck in Houston traffic. He more than made up for it when the show began.

I guess me telling ya'll about the surprise guests won't be too big of a surprise since the guys already hit the stage together at the Toby Keith show.
Let me just say that Ted NUGENT, Sammy Hagar, Red Hot Chili Pepper Drummer and Toby Keith all together on stage was AWESOME!

David Lauser had two sets of Drums on the stage and the two of them JAMMED us up with double drums! WOW!

Set list...
I have to say that I was so into the show that I didn't write them all down. I lost track of all reality and concept of my online life. LOL
I remember
Shaka Doobie, Rainy Day Woman, Best Of Both Worlds, 55, Toby Keith did his tune (a lot less talk and a little more action) and SWEET HOME ALABAMA (but the words changed to Sweet Home Houston Texas! HA!
Ted NUGENT did a couple of Led Zeppelin tunes with Sammy! The encore was RIGHT NOW. I am sure someone will post the corrected set list to

The venue was packed. So packed that the firemarshall came and shut the doors. There were a LOT of ppl that were stuck outside for the show. Sammy said he felt really bad about it. Also the bartender told me that the LAST CASE of CABO WABO was confiscated by Sammy and was brought to the stage. They ran out of VIT T on the floor. Sammy made sure it was flowing on the stage! The entire event was OUT OF CABO WABO by the end of the night! Not bad for $10 a shot! There was still plenty of Jack Daniel's but then again... Go figure.

I took a ton of PICS this time and will get them developed ASAP and have them posted sometime tomorrow.

The show ran until about 1:30 AM

Sammy made a point to say that, Redheads, WaboRats, whatever we wanted to call ourselves were the best ppl in the world!

My happy ass is properly Kicked! My voice is GONE. I have whiplash from headbanging. I Got my RedRockers Football jersey Signed! I didn't even have to ask. He just Hugged on me and then signed it. : )

What else ya wanna know?
G'Night All!
I am finally wore out!
: ) Tammy~kins


I was at the show Friday and Saturday nights. As with every othere Sammy
show I've been to- it was an experience.. Sammy has an energy that can't be
duplicated. Sammy's love of what he does shines through and never seams

The show compiled a great mix of the era's. From Montrose to Sammy solo to
Van halen then the Waboritas, as well as an all star cast of help. Guest
appeareances from Toby Keith/Ted Nugent/Chad Smith(Chili Peppers), and Sammy
even posed as the Soul man James Brown himself... My only question is what
happened to Michael Anthony?

Being a LONG time fan of Sammy and of Van Halen I was HOPING for a reunion
but maybe later???

Keep it up Sam!, I'll be there to watch.

Tony Mancuso
Lake Charles, La.


Sorry -- can't remember the set list but the hilites were:
1) set to play at 11:00, didn't come on until 11:30 b/c got caught up taping the Toby Keith show for CMT
2) set list was NOT the same as Thursday and Friday's show --- some songs were the same but some new ones
3) Ted Nugent jammed on guitar and Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) jammed on drums on a few songs -- Rock Candy, Whole Lotta Love, Finish what you Started
4) Toby Keith sang 'a little less talk....' and 'Sweet Home Alabama (which eventually got turned into Sweet Home, Houston Texas)
5) New songs included Best of Both Worlds, High and Dry again, acoustic Eagles fly (while the techs replaced the drum heads that Chad Smith destroyed --- he was an animal and looked like he was having the time of his life), and a guitar only (rehearsed but never played Sammy said) version of Right Now

-Sam Krenek

ps. Sammy was obviously loaded and started partying early with the CMT taping --- by the end he said the nite was one of the best nites he's ever had and this show was the closest thing to partying down in Cabo .............