Fan Blogs

June 30, 2010 by krlindbeck 
Sammy Live

I was first introduced to Sammy with the "I can't drive" Video and Song - being 13 I bought this album on vinal. Played like it crazy. Then 5150 came out and I was not impressed then in 1985. Then the untitled ablum came out. I bought a cut out demo verson of it at a record store sidewalk sale. Again I polayed it like crazy. OU812 was released and I was not a big fan of that either.

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June 30, 2010 by Nina67 
I'm going!

I'll be at the show tomorrow July 1, 2010 St Louis Verizon Amphitheater

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June 30, 2010 by craigt085 
Love the new site!!!
Love the new site!!!

The new website is Great! Me and my wife have been doing the Wabo since 1994, so I guess you could say we're addicted or insane, but we just can't miss our annual trip way down south too Cabo in October! Will be they're on the 7th this year and look foreward too seeing all our RedHead Friends! Peace....

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June 30, 2010 by cabobenito61 
New and improved website
New and improved website


No word can't describe the website, besides wonderful.
Great work, and I'll look at it everyday anyway.

And I can't wait for Atlantic City, Aug'28, all the way from Montreal, 9hr ride won't stop us to see Sammy Hagar & The Wabos in concert again and again, and again...


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June 30, 2010 by MWRICE1966 
I'm a Redhead

In 1984 I went to see Sammy in Tulsa OK. before I enter the Army. I have seen Sammy 3 times and cannot wait until I get to his birthday bash. It makes no difference who Sammy plays with one thing is a fact, Sammy was born to rock!

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