Ep. 6: Reporting from the Final Night of the Bash!

October 13, 2015
Ep. 6: Reporting from the Final Night of the Bash!
Pre-show warmup
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Aaron reports from the scene of the final night of the birthday bash and the crowd is ready for the action to begin!

Ep. 6: Reporting from the Final Night of the Bash!
Setlist for the night -- who knows how accurate it will be, but you gotta start somewhere!

 1  Redhead Comment

addob038's picture

Very cool to watch Sammy start the show with only him, then he and Kari doing a song, followed by he and Aaron and finally the most long standing guest of the bash - Mr. Man In the Box, before the Circle joined to get things really rocking.

Good four shows Sammy. Happy 68th.